๐ŸšซIncompatible Save States

If you've ever used an older version of Delta, you may notice that updating to Delta 1.6 hides your old Nintendo DS save states. This is because Delta 1.6 updated the melonDS core to 0.9.5, which unfortunately breaks compatibility with previous save states.

To transfer your save data manually to Delta 1.6, please follow the below instructions.

How to Migrate Incompatible Save States

  1. Launch the game with the save states you wish to transfer

  2. Open the Save State screen from the Pause Menu

  3. Press "View Incompatible Save States" from the menu button

  4. Long-press the save state and choose "Export"

  5. Choose where to save the file

  6. Import your game into Delta Legacy

  7. Launch the game and open the Save State screen from the Pause Menu

  8. Tap '+' then choose 'Import Save State'

  9. Return to the Pause Menu and choose 'Load State'

  10. Choose the imported save state and create a new in-game save

  11. Return to the Delta Game Library

  12. Long-press the game and choose Manage Save File -> Export Save File

  13. Choose where to save the file

  14. Launch Delta (1.6)

  15. Long-press the same game and choose Manage Save File -> Import Save File

  16. Choose the exported save file

Last updated